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Archery, NNAS and Climbing Assistant staff quals, 9 Mar 2025

Secret of enriching cadet training is staff quals. Looking to try some new things for 1368. CI M & Fg Off C both qualified as Archery Instructors as part of a 479 Sqn OC led initiative on a 2 day course 8-9 Mar 2025. Goal is to get Archery into the arsenal of things we can deliver at Sqn-level. Back-end of 2024, CWO C and Fg Off C also did Mountain Training's Climbing Wall Assistant (CWA) run by Regional Adventure Training Technical Officer (RATTO) who's traveling the country expanding RAFAC climbing quals. Fg Off C achieved National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS) tutor course on 8 Feb 2025, hence looking for 1st delivery of a Bronze/Silver NNAS (a little different from DofE, more micro-nav) so lot's of new things to set our sights on as we push boundaries into some new areas in 2025.

Classification certificate & badge fest week, 5 Mar 2025

This week saw certificates fest marking the end of lectures ready for summer fun. Cdt D and G both get their Senior (amazing). Cpl B probably the youngest 1368 cadet to achieve Master (15yrs), as Cpl G inches close. Almost a full house for CI M's massive Leading group (17 passes with 2 pending 1 retake). Big haul for 0925 intake with almost 11 of 13 with First class now. Cdt F, S, K and W all got Ldg badges and Sgt F got his Master badge earlier in week. Cdt B gets Blue Aviation Badge. Classification training is an important part of the Air Cadet experience. Cadets start as Junior cadets and transition through to First Class, Leading, Senior and Master badges. 1368 runs this training between September and February, 1hr a week, mixed with other stuff. It also gives a good opportunity for our instructor cadets to hone their skills. To get their badges at Senior and above, they need to pass exams. Time for summer fun now.

Gold First Aid achievement, 28 Feb 2025

Well done to 1368's CWO D who milked his post-18 cadet experience with Gold First Aid last week. This means he's also able to deliver YFA First Aid as an instructor. 

1368 blue badge training well underway now, 24 Feb 2025

New flight sims from Warwick Town Council grant deployed in Part Task Training (flight sim) element of Blue Aviation Badge (Sqn has staff/SNCOs who passed instructor course hence able to sign it off). Blue leadership training of newbies now really hitting its stride (cadet's are assessed in leading a team in a command task, including briefing techniques such as SMEAC, Situation, Mission, Execution, Any questions, Check understanding). A sqn favourite that stuck post-COVID, we spend a lot of time of this as it's also fun and good for teamwork. Over last couple of week's we've also done Presentation Skills courses where cadets are trained on one night and have to do a 10 min presentation to each other on another (on a subject of their choice). Sgt J was raving about how good the ones he watched were. Did a big teambuilding planning task also, demonstrating how good team communication and sharing of ideas can lead to better outcomes than most individuals could achieve on t...

3 places left for next intake in May

Squadron continues to parade solid numbers, partly due to cadet age profile reducing due to inability to recruit during COVID and younger cadets parading more regularly, e.g., our 0924 intake was the first where non have left. We had 51 on parade last week, which isn't bad for a sqn that used to parade average of 26-32 before COVID. Next intake will be May 2025. There are 3 places remaining. Had quite a few requests of interest over Christmas holidays but not many responded to invites to tours, hence still remains first-come-first-served.   

1368 band is back in town, 17 Feb 2025

Last few weeks in pictures: Feb saw a scene change into training focused on mid-group blue band while the oldies picked up real instruments again. We want all the mid group to get blue band badges. Newbies, uhm, let's say that they're off but lots of work on basics to do. Real band sounded amazing on Monday, i.e. not lost anything. We'll keep banging the blue badge drums till they get there for next 5-6 weeks till they've smashed it. 1368 real band challenge for 2025, as well as winning wing field day and learning new songs and adding a Sax, is to do a first 1368 band public display (e.g. at a fete).