1368 Squadron drums arrive

Having made its first inroads into drumming last year, 1368 Sqn now has some drums to snare the interest of its musical cadets...

This is ready for Phase 2 of the marching band project after half term. We're in the early stages of our journey but there is a lot of enthusiasm from cadets, especially those that play musical instruments anyway but also from those who would like to. It's also great to have new targets for our cadets who've already got badges in Leadership, Radio and Shooting.

Musician badges are covered in ACP 123. Cadets may be awarded musician badges according to the instrument they play.  The four types of badge which are available in blue, bronze, silver or gold: 

a. Trumpeter (crossed trumpets)

b. Drummer (drum)

c. Piper (bagpipe)

d. Instrumentalist (lyre)


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