DofE Gold Award Presentation (GAP), Buckingham Palace, 10 May 2024

Friday was a special day for 4 of our cadets who got to go to Buckingham Palace and meet the new Duke of Edinburgh. Billy Monger (the racing driver) was there and gave a talk. Great to share their experience. 2 more from the 2022 expedition will get their chance next time, hopefully (1 already in, 1 leaver just finishing off). Gold ain't easy but it is worth it.

Squadron tries to get all our NCOs to enrol on Gold Award as soon as their 16+ as, if they wish, they can then count many of the activities they do on Sqn towards sections. We try and get expeditions done before they're 18 in in year 13 if we can. In April 2024, the Squadron was awarded the trophy as the best Sqn in the Wing for delivery of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, partly helped by having 5 cadets who achieved their Gold Award in last year. It's a continuous process though, we are currently gearing up to get our newbies ready for their first expeditions now that the summer is here (briefly).


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