Instructor cadet lanyards achieved, 17 Jun 2024

Well done to 1368 cadets who passed method-of-instruction (MOI) assessment on 17 Jun 2024, Sgt F and Cdt G. Both achieved their Instructor cadet lanyard having done both presentation skills at Sqn, attended a Wing MOI course, and then successfully delivered a Wing assessed lesson on Sqn. Thanks to Flt Lt L from 496 Sqn for his, who's first comment to me on how cadet G's lesson went was "he was amazing". 

As an instructor cadet, they will be able to formally deliver training to junior cadets. This can really help the squadron, especially with things like Blue badge radio and Induction and First Class training. The notion of cadets taking leadership and training roles is one of the strengths of the corps. Cadets have the passion and energy and closeness to the material and gain a lot of confidence and leadership experience from it. It's sad that we are losing senior NCOs this year to Uni and world travel, but it does give encouragement that the next generation have begun to step up.


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