3rd in Wing Drill Competition, 20 Oct 2024

The Wing Drill competition is a "blue ribbon" event at the yearly Wing Competition/Field Day where the 19 squadron's of Warwickshire and Birmingham Wing compete. This year we put our 15-16yr old NCOs centre-stage in lead positions, with the CWOs handing the baton over to build leadership for the future. We are really pleased with coming 3rd in this, partly as the focus to enter Music/Band meant they didn't get much practice.

Special mention to Sgt R came 4th in the Drill IC (in command) individual competition. Stunning considering he was a first timer. He held his nerve in the high pressure smaller than planned space, only beaten by seasoned 18yrs+/SNCO veterans with multiple tries under their belt. The younger-led team delivered so this bodes well for the future.

It shows that the uniform and drill aspects of the squadron remain important, despite DofE and Sports focus (the Sqn is current holder of best in Wing for DofE and the 3 sports competitions of athletics, cross country, and swimming.


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