
Showing posts from January, 2025

5 cadets achieve Bronze Radio badge, 18-19 Jan 2025

Well done to 5 1368 cadets who achieved their Bronze radio badge last weekend. They are all stars of the waves apparently, quick to pick up things, several with 100% in written assessment which is excellent. The start of another busy year for activities and badges for 1368 Sqn Air Cadets. Bronze radio is part of the Air Cadet's  Progressive Training Syllabus . The syllabus has multiple subjects that transition from Blue => Bronze => Silver => Gold. Blue badges are normally done at Sqn, with Bronze at Wing and Silver at Region or above. Bronze radio badge along with the Instructor cadet lanyard means that cadets can help teach Blue radio on the Squadron, hence it's a useful thing to have plus an opportunity to have the fun and challenge of a weekend being trained with other cadets and staff.

Ex-RAF pilot gives amazing motivational talk to 1368 cadets, 13 Jan 2025

It's not often that cadets get to hear from a survivor of the Gulf-war who was shot-down in combat, but Monday saw John Peters, co-author of Tornado-down, ex RAF-pilot, give an inspiration talk to cadets not only about his experiences of being shot-down, the power of parental love, but also about life and how it's not about what happens to you, by rather how you respond to what happens to you. The audience was captivated and cadets got to ask questions. A night to remember and also a chance to reflect on some of the realities and, perhaps, surreal aspects of war. John, who runs his own consultancy company Monkey Business, helps businesses with transformational change. Commenting on his visit he said "Your squadron came across impressively: well-motivated, smart and vibrant. The cadets were interested and interesting. Congratulations to you both and all your staff. – it is a joy to see such positivity."

Busy start to year, w/end 12 Jan 25

A return to classification training. Juniors also made use of new Warwick Town Council grant First Aid equipment, also some flight sim set-up to help us deliver blue aviation badge and Principles of Flight (PoF) training. A new stores card-based sign-out system was also put in place, 13 cadets did their road marching training package, and we did some JNCO interviews. That was just the first week of 2025. Phew.