What are TG Forms and where to get them?
TG Forms is the term we use to refer to Activity-related Parent/Guardian Consent Forms. From a cadet perspective they include: - TG Form 021 : Activity Consent Form – Cadet. - TG Form 023 : Health Declaration Form There is also a TG Form 022: Activity Consent Form - Staff. The best place to find these forms for completion is via the main https://www.bader.mod.uk/ landing page. Look for the Useful Resources section. TG Forms are date-specific consents and require doing for each event where requested. Some parents will download the Word document and complete information that does not change once, and then print/sign with event specific details/dates, although when design this it's important to check the emergency contact details are correct for the period. It's not possible to accept these electronically at the moment, hence a wet signature version is expected, even if the rest of the details are typed in. The TG Form needs to be the latest (current V6.0). They are...