What are TG Forms and where to get them?

TG Forms is the term we use to refer to Activity-related Parent/Guardian Consent Forms. From a cadet perspective they include:

- TG Form 021: Activity Consent Form – Cadet.

- TG Form 023: Health Declaration Form

There is also a TG Form 022: Activity Consent Form - Staff.

The best place to find these forms for completion is via the main https://www.bader.mod.uk/ landing page. Look for the Useful Resources section. 

TG Forms are date-specific consents and require doing for each event where requested. Some parents will download the Word document and complete information that does not change once, and then print/sign with event specific details/dates, although when design this it's important to check the emergency contact details are correct for the period.

It's not possible to accept these electronically at the moment, hence a wet signature version is expected, even if the rest of the details are typed in. The TG Form needs to be the latest (current V6.0).

They are different from the 3822H form that is completed on joining but there is an implicit implication that if the 3822H form has a medical condition, then there would be TG Form 23's also for the medical condition.

Those running the activity can determine whether to request TG Forms from a document called ACTO 11 (ACTO stands for Air Cadet Training Order). 

Higher risk or events with a residential element (ie. staying overnight) will require a TG Forms from all cadets. Some events require TG Forms only if there is a medical condition.

If you struggle with access of the Word docs from the above landing page, then there is also a link on the useful links of 1368 Squadron Air Cadets.

They are also in the Files section of the 1368 Facebook  pages (private Facebook sites).



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