
Showing posts from February, 2025

3 places left for next intake in May

Squadron continues to parade solid numbers, partly due to cadet age profile reducing due to inability to recruit during COVID and younger cadets parading more regularly, e.g., our 0924 intake was the first where non have left. We had 51 on parade last week, which isn't bad for a sqn that used to parade average of 26-32 before COVID. Next intake will be May 2025. There are 3 places remaining. Had quite a few requests of interest over Christmas holidays but not many responded to invites to tours, hence still remains first-come-first-served.   

1368 band is back in town, 17 Feb 2025

Last few weeks in pictures: Feb saw a scene change into training focused on mid-group blue band while the oldies picked up real instruments again. We want all the mid group to get blue band badges. Newbies, uhm, let's say that they're off but lots of work on basics to do. Real band sounded amazing on Monday, i.e. not lost anything. We'll keep banging the blue badge drums till they get there for next 5-6 weeks till they've smashed it. 1368 real band challenge for 2025, as well as winning wing field day and learning new songs and adding a Sax, is to do a first 1368 band public display (e.g. at a fete).

OC's cadet of the month for January 2025

Cadet of month award usually goes to a cadet who makes a +ve different to others. We do love a good surprise. 1st win for 2025 goes to Cdt "barnstorming" D by taking on CWO C at xcountry and and making him discover he could run 1'50 secs faster, in the end. Definitely made cross country January more interesting, and I think he might of inspired others to try harder. Well done. The race for Feb COTM is on.

Road marching badges, 9 Feb 2025

Well done to the 14 cadets from 1368 who did the Wing road marching on 9 Feb 2024, with many newbies getting their Blue Marching badges. Really great to see some of our 2024 intake cadets engaging in multiple Wing events now, making friends with cadets from other squadrons and starting to realize that the amazing opportunities within the RAF Air Cadets don't stop at just Squadron level, there are pathways to sustain your interest at both Wing, Region and Corps level in your journey through the many faceted Air Cadet experience.

Williams F1 STEM Day II photos, 12 Feb 2025

Wednesday saw 7 of our cadets join other lucky chosen for a day at an F1 team learning about the teamwork and precision engineering behind one of the UK-leading industries, Formula 1. They competed STEM challenges in teams and also got to race each other in simulators (CWO C on top of his race podium, of course).  The day was put forward by the Wing's new cadet training lead. The RAF Air Cadets' embracement of STEM Learning for future careers aligns with RAF's ASTRA future strategy. and highlights fantastic opportunities for future engineering career's focused on engineering, material science, IT and aerodynamics.

Parade night update, 3 Jan 2025

January has seen robust progression of classification teaching ahead of Feb half term scene change with First Class workbooks and Leading (open on RAFAC Learn) exams close to finishing. SNCOs patiently teach OC the art of entering passwords using a joystick controller (it's harder than you think). 0924 intake close to finishing 1st class workbooks and have started Initial Expedition Training (IET). 7 cadets in 0125 intake close to integration into main cohort, with new NCOs trained up for future intakes. Lots of w/end activities also. Badges handed out for Bronze DofE and Leadership Bronze. Master cadet (top-classification) badge arrived for Sgt H. 

6 of our cadets achieve their Bronze Leadership badges, 25-26 Jan 2025

In addition to 13 on road marching and 2 who went flying, last weekend saw 6 of our 1368 Sqn cadets successfully achieve their Bronze leadership badges on a leadership training weekend, assisted by our two Cadet Warrant Officers. One up from Blue Leadership and previously part of the Wing JNCO course, Bronze L'ship has been spun out so that more get the opportunity.  The two-day course hosted at 2286 Sqn gave them command task-based practical challenges to solve as well knowledge on the theory of leadership, how to communicate well and the importance of 'followship' to team success. Everyone passed! Well done. Leadership and teamwork is a massive part of the air cadet experience. It helps build self-confidence and friendships, something that you can take-away for the rest of your life.