1368 blue badge training well underway now, 24 Feb 2025

New flight sims from Warwick Town Council grant deployed in Part Task Training (flight sim) element of Blue Aviation Badge (Sqn has staff/SNCOs who passed instructor course hence able to sign it off). Blue leadership training of newbies now really hitting its stride (cadet's are assessed in leading a team in a command task, including briefing techniques such as SMEAC, Situation, Mission, Execution, Any questions, Check understanding). A sqn favourite that stuck post-COVID, we spend a lot of time of this as it's also fun and good for teamwork. Over last couple of week's we've also done Presentation Skills courses where cadets are trained on one night and have to do a 10 min presentation to each other on another (on a subject of their choice). Sgt J was raving about how good the ones he watched were. Did a big teambuilding planning task also, demonstrating how good team communication and sharing of ideas can lead to better outcomes than most individuals could achieve on their own (the basis of our shared humanity, in a sense).


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